I'm looking at this heap of trash in my trash can. What's in it? A Coca-Cola bottle. Cup a n Noodles. A Subway Wrapper. Paper. Funny thing is, the only things I recognize are the corporate logos, and I wrote all over the paper.
Damn them!
I guess that's normal though. You're flashed with all of these logos about 100 times a day, and don't even notice until you're in Quick-Check and your brain says "gatorade" instead of ::yawn:: "water".
I'm gonna have a taste test with Burger Kang and Mac Donalds vs a Home-made Burger.
It's all in the fix-ins. Mac Burger's are all processed goodness with a taste that was manufactured in a warehouse - and evolved a little more somewhere between the truck drive to the restaurant and the 3 months it sits in the jumbo fridge.
If you would like to participate in this taste test. Please send your videos to ChainsawsandJelly@gmail.com.
What do you have to do in the video?
- Find someone who is willing to taste 3 burgers.
- video their response
- send it to us.
- great.
p.s. LOVE
Why was my first thought "You could recycle all that!" ha ha
apparently, he doesn't recycle!
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